
Spring cleaning time - making room for new activities

The Spring is very worky time for me. I'm not talking about casual house cleaning (I used to do it fast), but mainly about my work context. It's time to finish started projects and make room for new ones and for incoming summer activities. Weather in May is really nice in my place - so I devote some time to biking and long walks. I really didn't want to start another tasks, like writing blog posts about something abstract enough (I still have "blog vs privacy" issues). So please forgive me for long break without posts.

I'm thinking also about blog character- it's now mixed personal/technical blog. I like reading entertaining personal blogs, but that is not a point. It seems people like more specialized thematic blogs, so maybe I should go that way. I don't want to fight for readership with every possible mean, but more viewers means more potential interesting contacts for me.

Yes, I'm talking about you dear reader. So if you are interested in my subjects, or have an project/business idea write me itprolife@gmail.com.

I'm inviting commenters too.

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