
Younger programming languages and frameworks are better

I have short talk with young student of Computer Science. He said he prefers .NET framework and C# more than Java, because Java seems outdated. I've seen those kind of preferences for some time in new generation of young programmers. I've asked what makes Java so outdated. He said about first release year (sic!), and mess in Java libraries, legacy API and so on. I've no time to ask for more details, but many of those pros and cons come probably from rumors and hypes. Good point for .NET marketing.

Younger programming languages and frameworks are potentially better. It's true for most popular (chosen by ,majority so in some way best) languages supported by community and commerce. Standing on the shoulders of existing giants - in that case language frameworks, gives better opportunity to make better API and add more practical features. New languages and frameworks are addressing most popular trends for its time (like WEB 2.0 and AJAX now). Other possible positive outcome would be cutting of all legacy code (good and bad one), and start everything from scratch, that would tend to include new ideas. All that needs many people, hours of work, and money.

So taking that assumptions and having big support - about every 10 (5?) years it would allow to produce new "cool" language that young generation of programmers will choose.

What is the important thing for developers? It's better to be open for new ideas and be ready for changes. What is good tool for work today, would be old in next 10 years.

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