
web.py update 3 (and tough bugs)

My new application on web.py framework works great. I eliminated slowness issue during installation of new web.py environment.
It was caused by opening db connection without pooling- and it took really long time (about 10 s). So next time I properly installed DBUtils. Run tests and found exception raised by web.py database. I had to make quick fix in my web.py installation - changed name of one of parameters in DBUtils function call.

Few days ago I tested web.py session support and authentication in my application. It worked good, when something broke next day. I had feeling that session isn't properly stored or recalled- and my authorization module redirected me to login page. Access logs showed me that actually I requested only login page, not any other. Strange. I was looking for bug in web.py, but there had to be another reason I thought at end.
I used another web browser- in my case IE. Login and session worked well, better than under Firefox. The reason causing problem was performance enhancing plugin for firefox I installed few days ago to tune in new Firefox. It used strange caching algorithm, and every time I hit some application page login page was loaded. Probably it was first page cached by plugin. I uninstalled it and reviewed other browser modifications.

Once again experience shows that the most time consuming bugs are simple and just hidden in area assumed for sure as free of bugs (in my case I was looking in server app, but bug was caused by browser client modification).

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