
Best Canon CHDK features for everyday photo shooting

I really used to take pictures with my Canon digicam equipped in CHDK software. During summer vacation I took many pictures and some short movie clips. I had to switch full SD card for second empty one - without CHDK. When I started shooting again, I realized how I miss those additional features.

The top most features I use even during casual shooting is zebra and live histogram. Zebra simply highlights under/overexposed areas, that fall beyond camera light range. Histogram helps balance lights level in shadows, middle tones and bright areas. Those two save me many experimental, "light probing" shoots until I get expected result. It's very easy for use feature, even for non experienced photographer.
I don't mention other, less used features that can really expand photographing experience, if you really get into it.

Next time I am installing CHDK on all of my SD cards to not miss opportunities when I get my camera.


Finished summer (and computer) break

I am back. At the computer and broadband internet.

Some break was needed for mind rest. I feel slightly changed my point of view.

It's time to get back to work. I have to check email and all online services I use.

Back on track - but I feel urge for some improvement.


Vacation - planning day with weather service

I am spending vacation at the polish Baltic Sea shore. The place, where the summer weather is a mix of wind, sun and rain. In that circumstances, good weather forecast service is really helpful.
I am checking weather forecasts at ICM institute site. It uses numerical prediction model for 2 day short horizon forecasts. The forecasts are detailed and precise for selected area. Unfortunately forecasts are available only for Europe. That forecast service is really good. Many times it saved me biking in the rain.
So now I am checking when it stops raining so I could walk on the beach.


Driving with GPS navigation makes me stupid

For long distance journeys through unknown roads I use GPS navigation software running on old Pocket PC. Directions given by automate navigator are so precise that you can drive all way even without looking at road signs. And this is the worst part.
At the beginning I felt very confident. When navigation was turned on my natural navigation skills gone away. It felt like some kind of brain damage effect. Part of my thinking was turned off in exchange for blindly listening to navigator instructions. Imagine what is going on when map is not actual or has some glitches. "where is that road it is talking about?". The result is often big surprise and embarrassment.
Its scarry when machine can make you fool and put into potentially dangerous situation on the road. After that experiences I always check my route on map before journey, observe road signs, and listen to navigator as the last resort to ensure that I am right.
I feel much better that way.


Taking 2 week summer vacation

I'm going today at summer vacation. I will be back in two weeks. Meanwhile, I will try to post something using smartphone (I don't take any laptops - it's rest time). The 8 hour car driving in the night is still before me, so I have to finish packing and catch some naps through day.

It's going to be fun.